Here are all the posts associated with my May 2016 PDP.
For the months of March, April, and May 2016, I’ve been working through Praxis’s Teen Entrepreneurship Course. The last portion of the course has me following a plan for a personal development project. So for the month of May, I’ll be experimenting with this PDP (“Personal Development Project”). The focus of my project will be on content creation, decision-making, critical thinking, and self-awareness. Every day for 30 days, I intend to use these skills and write a meaningful blog post.
The entrepreneurship course has an activity outlined for me to complete each day, but I intend to use it as a guide and not a step-by-step manual.
After completing this project, I hope that my writing (my storytelling, my summarizing, my synthesizing, and my analysis skills) will improve considerably. I hope that my voice as a writer will be clearer and more distinct. Finally, I hope that completing this project will boost my confidence and knowledge base, and will propel me into trying and learning new things!
And who knows, maybe this is just the first of many PDPs I will embark on. I can’t wait to see what the future brings!